The Real Genealogy

Despite what Pip's Uncle Theophile said about Lord Nelson's son and a Scottish servant, Pip knew perfectly well that his Robert ancestors weren't Scottish. That seems to have been a joke he enjoyed pulling on unwary newspaper reporters. There is a handwritten note among his papers listing seven generations of Roberts, starting with him and going back to the marriage of a Robert Fache (called Robert) to Catherine Cadieu in Montreal in 1696. I assume he wrote the note. I have reproduced it below.

One might wonder just how accurate such a list can be when more than two centuries had elapsed between its earliest entry and its compiling. I assume Pip had some old notes, but these aren't mentioned. The accuracy of the list itself has been confirmed in a surprizing manner.

About 10 years ago, another of Pip's great-grandchildren met an enthusiastic genealogist named David Patrick Robert in Seattle where they both live. Apparently, she mentioned that her maiden name was Robert to Mr. Robert and also mentioned the French-Canadian origin of that name. Mr. Robert researched the family to see if there is a relationship with his ancestors. There is not, but he posted the results of his research on his web site .

While reading Pip's stories I noted that his father, Frank Robert, Sr., moved to North Yakima (modern Yakima), Washington toward the end of his life and died there. The obituary of Pip's mother, Melanie LeDuc Robert, 1925, mentions that four of her sons lived in Washington and Oregon including Joseph E. Robert of North Yakima, Washington. I posted a note in a Robert geneology discussion forum on the Internet inquiring if anyone had more information concerning those sons.

Mr. David Robert responded to my inquiry. He had a death record for Joseph Robert in North Yakima (which is also David Robert's home town), but was unsure how, if at all, Joseph Robert fit into the family. The death record made it clear that this was one of Pip's brothers. In exchanging information, Mr. Robert told me of his web site where he had posted the results of his research. I was quite pleased to discover that Mr. Robert had independently worked out the same geneology as Pip had written down so many years ago. David Robert's geneology starts with the same Fache/Cadieu wedding in Montreal in 1696. He includes many siblings and birth dates not recorded in Pip's list.

I have since confirmed this list using standard Quebec genealogical references.

Please e-mail me with any additions, corrections, and comments

This site created by Harry E. Connors III

Music is Le Bonne Homme et la Belle Femme sequenced by Barry Taylor

Robert Fache (called Robert) & Catherine Cadieu

Married 1696 at Montreal

son of

Joachin Robert (called Fache) & Angelique Miville

Married 1740 at Montreal P.Q.

son of

Joseph Robert (called Fache) & Marie Taillefer

Married 1763 at St. Genevieve, County Jacque Cartier P.Q.

son of

Joseph Robert & Josephte St. Germain

Married 1790

son of

Augustin Robert & Judith Bayer

Married 1823 St. Laurent P.Q.

son of

Francis Robert & Melanie Le Duc

Born July 2, 1829
Married May, 1856 St. Paul, Minn

son of

Frank Robert Jr. & Minnie Durocher

Born Apr. 26, 1858
Married Feb. 12, 1882
The history and genealogy of the Robert family
<BGSOUND SRC="_RefFiles/Bonhomme.mid" loop=FALSE>

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This page last modified on Wednesday, November 21, 2007

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Charles Martel

From Robert to Charlemagne

A Fille du Roi

Flight From the Indians

Blessed Marie Rose Durocher

Cousin Eulalie

Melanie LeDuc Robert's obituary

Frank Robert Jr.'s obituary


Pip's Stories


Tribute To

Why I Believe in Prayer

As A Peace Officer


Kelly's Army

The Geneology

The Real Geneology

Trip My Father Made to California

A Railroad Contractor

A Bottle Beer Collector



Murder and Reward


The Last Reunion