(From a speech Pip gave to the Sheriff and other Deputy Sheriffs--HEC)
In the spring of 1900, the Democrats held its convention in the Sherman Hall, corner of Sixth and Wabasha Sts., for the purpose of nominating a Mayor and other officers for the city. There were some 400 delegates, two factions, one known as the Better Elements, the other faction known as Bell-Scannell Outfit. I was a delegate. The Better Element nominated and elected for Chairman, J.C. Michael (now one of our worthy Judges of the District Court). The Bell-Scannells nominated Dick Bell, he was nominated and elected Chairman, both taking their places on the platform. Motion after motion was made, the delegates became loud and noisy. Bell-Scannell who stood well with the police force (Colonel Keifer was their friend and Mayor of the City). He called to the many police officiers in the rear of the hall, "Come up here, you police officers, and remove this man from the platform. Seeing trouble ahead, I rushed to the platform and in a loud tone of voice I exclaimed that I was sent by the sheriff to maintain order and dignity of the State of Minnesota. (Jack Caldwell and Leo Cormick, Sargent at Arms, stood over me with (?) And hollered, "don't do it, don't do it." Well, I did do it against all the threats they made.) And all those who wanted to be a Deputy Sheriff to raise their right hand to be sworn-in. About two-thirds of the delegates raised their hands and I administered the oath of office. Pat Scannell of the outfit arose to his feet and said, "by virtue of being a Deputy Sheriff, I--," and before he could make his motion I removed him as a Deputy Sheriff. Pat sat down, nonplused, and in the excitement, Big Tom McDermott moved a suspension of the rules and nominated Bob Smith as the candidate for Mayor. He was nominated by acclamation (subsequently was elected Mayor). The Italians were strong for him and called him "De Bob."
After the Convention I went to the office, and the Sheriff, Wagner, said I put him to an expense of several hundred dollars, that he had to pay them $3.00 apiece. For many days after this, Bell and Scannell took great delight in sending these deputies for their pay. I put them to the test, when and where, and what did they do, was there any fights, etc. All they could say that they raised their right hand and was sworn. I replied that they also used their right hand for other purposes. They turned, threatened and cussed me good and plenty but it didn't cost Wagner a cent.
This site created by Harry E. Connors III
Music is Happy Days Are Here Again
Please e-mail me with any additions, corrections, and comments
This page last modified on Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Pip's Stories