Frank Robert Jr. Obituary
Frank Robert Jr. Rites Thursday
(Printed in the St. Paul Dispatch)
Funeral services for Frank Robert J., 89 years old, veteran county employee and member of a pioneer St. Paul family, will be held at 8:30 a. m. Thursday in the Charles Godbout & Son mortuary, 500 W. Seventh st., and at 9 a. m. in St. Louis church, 506 Cedar st., with burial in Calvary cemetery.
Mr. Robert, who resided at 549 Fuller ave., died Saturday in St. Joseph's hospital.
Born in St. Paul, April 26, 1858, he was one of the oldest county employes in point of service. He started his public service as a clerk in the Ramsey county abstract office in 1874 and on Jan. 1, 1875, was appointed a probate court clerk-holding that position 21 years.
He was named a deputy sheriff by John Wagener in 1896 and except for interludes of a few years he had been in that office until his retirement two years ago.
Mr. Robert was a charter member of the Junior Pioneers and was its oldest past president. He was a St. Paul notary public for over 68 years.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Leo Hansen, Minneapolis; four sons, A. R. Robert, Minneapolis, A. W. Robert, Whitehall, Mont., Paul J. Robert, Joliet, Ill., and Frank I. Robert, St. Paul; 13 grand children and 14 great-grandchildren.
APRIL 26, 1858
Passed Away
FEBRUARY 7, 1948
Thursday, February 12
at nine o'clock
The Reverend
Attached to this obituary is a Mass card with the following information:
This site created by Harry E. Connors III
Music is Bright Phoebe sequenced by Barry Taylor.
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This page last modified on Wednesday, November 21, 2007
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